You are not alone

Supporters of LGBTQIA+ people and families are not the minority in our Lutheran church, but are the growing majority. ReconcilingWorks is committed to deepening and expanding this support, but we cannot do it without people and partners like you.

Together we make a difference!

Welcome Aubrey Thonvold ReconcilingWorks Executive Director

Recently, I have been asked: How do I help my congregation have a conversation around marriage? (Short answer: slowly.) What are these so-called “religious freedom” bills and why are they so bad? I mean, don’t we all want to be “free” to practice our religion? (Very short answer: discrimination in the name of religion is still discrimination.) We are a newly married gay couple, but there is some unspoken unease in our congregation. How can we help change that? (Short answer: by being you, and congratulations!) I think I understand “gay” and “lesbian,” but I don’t understand “transgender.” Are transgender people made in God’s image too? (Short answer: absolutely yes!)

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