Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community:
Messiah Lutheran Church in Weatherford, Texas.
Their welcome statement reads:
“You are created, cherished, and set free by God!
Messiah Lutheran Church is called to trust in the unbounded love and grace of Jesus Christ. Surrounded and blessed by this grace, we work for justice and healing for all. We acknowledge that Christians have not always lived up to this call.
At Messiah, we commit to the full participation of those who have historically been excluded by the church because of age, race, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical ability, mental wellbeing, or economic circumstance. We also commit ourselves to the challenging yet necessary work of racial equity in both church and society. In all we do, we believe that through openness to one another, we all grow in faith and love.“
Learn more about Messiah Lutheran Church at: