Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: St. John’s Lutheran Church in Dubuque, Iowa.
Their welcome statement reads:
“Jesus has called us to love God and one another, to practice radical hospitality, and to serve all without exception. We invite you to join us, no matter your race, culture, ethnicity, age, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities, socio-economic position, family status, background, or wherever you are in your faith journey.
Saint John’s is committed to welcoming and affirming all people as beloved children of God, including those in the LGBTQIA+ community who express their gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation in ways that buck societal norms. We also commit to welcoming Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Latino, and White Folks who are committed to allyship and racial equity.
We invite you to join with us that together we may grow as followers of the Lord Jesus.“
Learn more about St. John’s Lutheran Church at: