A New RIC Community: Central Lutheran Church (Van Nuys, CA)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community:  

Central Lutheran Church in Van Nuys, California.  

Their welcome statement reads:

“Welcome to Central Lutheran Church, where all people are welcomed as they are.

All are welcome because Jesus welcomed all who wanted to follow him and excluded no one. We are committed to promoting equality and inclusiveness for all in our church and in our community. We strive to be a safe place for all people including black, brown, indigenous, people of color, differently abled persons, all people regardless of immigration or housing status, those who identify as any sexual or gender identity or expression, and anyone who would like to join us on this journey.

At Central, we each seek to be imitators of Jesus Christ, exhibiting the characteristics and actions of Love, Grace, Mercy and Compassion in our lives. We want to meet you wherever you are in faith, to grow. Welcome, welcome everyone.

Learn more about Central Lutheran Church at: www.CentralLutheranVB.org