ReconcilingWorks celebrates the life and ministry of Bishop Emeritus Stanley E. Olson, former bishop of the Pacific Southwest Synod of the Lutheran Church in America (LCA), one of the predecessor churches merged into the ELCA. Bishop Olson died on July 2, 2014, in Sacramento, California, at 87 years old.
Ordained in 1952, Bishop Olson’s ministry was marked by his commitment to social justice -- civil rights in the 1960s and an early champion of full inclusion of LGBT people in the life of the Lutheran church.
“Bishop Olson spoke out for full inclusion and the rights of LGBT people when that was not a popular thing to do. Preaching at the first national convening of Lutherans Concerned in 1980, he continued his public witness for a church that lives up to the promise of Christ – that all are welcome," Aubrey Thonvold, ReconcilingWorks Interim Executive Director said.
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