You are not alone

Supporters of LGBTQIA+ people and families are not the minority in our Lutheran church, but are the growing majority. ReconcilingWorks is committed to deepening and expanding this support, but we cannot do it without people and partners like you.

Together we make a difference!

Words of Hope Heard at the Assembly of the World Council of Churches

"Today I want to say as a Christian, as a priest, to all the LGBTI community, I am deeply sorry for our part as religious people, in the pain you have experienced across the ages. I have a dream that in my lifetime, I will hear all the leaders of all our great faith traditions making the same apology."

Father Michale Lapsley WCCThis apology came during the closing prayer session of the assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC), held from October 30 to November 8 in Busan, South Korea. It was given by Father Michael Lapsley, Director of the Institute for Healing of Memories, which is headquartered in Cape Town, South Africa.

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