You are not alone

Supporters of LGBTQIA+ people and families are not the minority in our Lutheran church, but are the growing majority. ReconcilingWorks is committed to deepening and expanding this support, but we cannot do it without people and partners like you.

Together we make a difference!

National Coming Out Day

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This National Coming Out Day, ReconcilingWorks wants to lift up those in our movement who have been out for decades and those who may be coming out today.

Every year on National Coming Out Day, we celebrate coming out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or as an ally. Today folks from all over the nation are celebrating the 25th anniversary of National Coming Out Day as a reminder that one of our most basic tools is the power of coming out. One out of every two Americans has someone close to them who is gay or lesbian. For transgender people, that number is one in 10.

And coming out STILL MATTERS. When people in our communities and congregations know someone

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