ReconcilingWorks is proud to announce our newest Reconciling in Christ community, Echoes in Bellingham, Washington.
Their welcome statement reads: “Over and over again in Scripture, Jesus went out of his way to spend time with those whom the religious and cultural society had considered outsiders. He offered dignity, compassion, and inclusion. In doing so Jesus, as God in human form, revealed that God is concerned for and welcomes all persons. The church has the responsibility to emulate this specific pattern of Jesus. As such, Echoes strives to be a safe, spiritual community for all persons, regardless of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, body shape, physical capabilities, emotional maturity, or education levels. Because Echoes is open to all, we choose specifically to invite anyone who has not felt welcomed by the church, including, but not limited to, LGBTQ+ persons, as well as gender-queer and those with varying gender expressions or identities, to attend and to participate fully. With this value of inclusiveness, we hope to be a hospitable community, following in the ways of Jesus, making Bellingham a better place to live for all.”
Gather with Echoes every Monday at 6:30pm and visit them online at