Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: First Lutheran Church (Poulsbo, WA).
Their welcome statement reads:
“As people gathered and sent in the love of Christ, Poulsbo First Lutheran Church (PFLC) celebrates, welcomes, and affirms the great human family God has created in all its diversity and complexity. “Indeed, the whole earth is mine…” (God – Ex. 19:5b)
God has called everyone to love, celebrate, invite, include, affirm and welcome people:
• in all our divinely created diversity: LGBTQIA2S+, gender identity and gender expression, sexual orientation, race, age, neurodiversity, physical form, and mental health;
• in all our situations in life: relationship status, family configuration, nationality, citizenship status, economic status, occupational status, education, and theological perspective, and
• in all other facets of God’s beloved humanity.
Following a God who liberates and works in favor of the persecuted and oppressed, PFLC stands against hate, prejudice, violence, and harmful ideologies, seeking instead to be antiracist, open and affirming, reconciling and forgiving. We strive to succeed, while giving and receiving forgiveness when we fail.
All people at PFLC are invited to participate and serve in all aspects of the community:
• in baptism and communion, in education and fellowship, in leadership and service, and
• in celebrating life’s milestones: weddings, funerals, confirmation, etc.
God sends us into the world to love and serve our neighbor, to be advocates and accomplices in justice, and to share the grace of God.“
Learn more about First Lutheran Church at: