Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Harbor of Grace Lutheran Church (Muskegon, MI).
Their welcome statement reads:
“We of Harbor of Grace Lutheran Church are an inclusive and welcoming Christian community. We greet you as a unique and beloved child of God. You are accepted and affirmed just as you are – with all your differences and all your gifts.
Our Purpose is:
* To embody the Good News of God’s grace and love in the name of Jesus Christ, revealed in the spirit of Christ’s life and teachings,* To nourish, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit the spiritual needs of our members, neighbors in our diverse community, and the world around us,
* To be a place of safe refuge and sanctuary for all,
* To faithfully practice the pursuit of peace, racial equity, social justice, and environmental stewardship in our world; and
* To joyfully encourage full participation in the life of the church by those of all ages, national origin, physical or mental ability, race, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or socioeconomic status.“
Learn more about Harbor of Grace Lutheran Church at: