Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Jubilee Collective (Vancouver, WA).
Their welcome statement reads:
“Jubilee Collective believes the church needs to move beyond welcome and start to practice radical affirmation. We not only affirm the sacredness of LGBTQIA+, two-spirited, and other oppressed peoples who have historically been hurt by the church, we center their voice and lived experiences whenever possible and welcome their leadership. This is rooted in our commitment to dismantle oppression in “the church” or faith spaces. BIPOC peoples may know this is a space committed to the work of God’s salvation called collective liberation by peoples the world over. This commitment means we are an anti-racist space. We are not a safe space. We are a liberating one, full of people who are going to screw this up, but we gather as a collective to try to be Christians Jesus would actually want to hang out with.
You are absolutely welcome to join us. It’s ok if you don’t theologically agree with us. That’s not a requirement but moving together in love is something we will all learn and grow into together. We so desperately need each other in this world, and our sincere hope is by being in community with us you will know the Kin-dom of God has come near.”
Learn more about Jubilee Collective at: