A New RIC Community: LuMin St. Cloud | Campus & Young Adult Ministry (St. Cloud, MN)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community:  LuMin St. Cloud | Campus & Young Adult Ministry in St. Cloud, Minnesota.  

Their welcome statement reads:

“LuMin St. Cloud believes that all of creation was made in God’s image. In sharing God’s love and grace with our community, we proclaim ourselves an Open and Affirming Community that welcomes all of God’s children regardless of race, culture, national origin, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ability, economic status, background, or place in your faith journey.

We are dedicated to supporting causes of social justice and racial equality in our community, providing outreach, support and advocacy to members of our community that are all too often ostracized, pushed aside, or forgotten, just as Jesus Christ spent His time on Earth showing love to those viewed by others as lesser than. LuMin St. Cloud invites everyone to join us on our journey together of Welcome, Service, & Inquiry.

Learn more about LuMin St. Cloud at: www.luminstcloud.org