A New RIC Community: Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (Ayer, MA)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community:  Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Ayer, Massachusetts.  

Their welcome statement reads:

“We at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Ayer, MA joyfully invite and welcome YOU! As siblings in Christ, we seek to be an inclusive and affirming faith community, sharing a variety of experiences and identities*. We commit to examining attitudes and practices that indicate anything less than the full humanity of every person. Wherever you are in your journey of life and faith, you are loved, invited and welcomed to our part of God’s family. You are precious and beloved in God’s sight and OURS!

*These include and are not limited to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, racial and ethnic identity, bodily shape and size, relationship status, mental, physical and emotional ability, place of birth, economic class, level of education and opinions about these identifiers.

Learn more about Faith Lutheran Church at: www.sov-lc.org