Author: Ashlei Cramer

A New RIC Community: Faith Lutheran Church (Austin, TX)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Faith Lutheran Church (Austin, TX). Their welcome statement reads: “As followers of Christ, Faith Lutheran welcomes those who are seeking God’s love and grace. All are welcome. Your family, children, friends, spouses and partners are welcome. Your diversity and uniqueness are welcome. We believe that all […]

A New RIC Community: Agnus Dei Lutheran Church (Gig Harbor, WA)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Agnus Dei Lutheran Church (Gig Harbo, WA). Their welcome statement reads: “The congregation of Agnus Dei Lutheran Church celebrates the amazing diversity of God’s beloved children. We welcome all, regardless of age, ethnicity, abilities, faith background, race, family configuration, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or […]

A New RIC Community: Hope Lutheran Church (Farmington Hills, MI)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Hope Lutheran Church (Farmington Hills, MI). Their welcome statement reads: “We aspire to be a safe community of faith that welcomes and reaches out to people of all ages, races, cultures, creeds, economic status, sexual orientations, gender identities and life experiences treating each as we wish […]

A New RIC Community: Robeson Evangelical Lutheran Church (Mohnton, PA)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Robeson Evangelical Lutheran Church (Mohnton, PA). Their welcome statement reads: “In response to the overwhelming love of God, we stand in awe of the wideness of God’s mercy. In faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, mindful of our Lutheran emphasis on grace, and rejoicing in […]

A New RIC Community: Ascension Lutheran Church (Riverside, IL)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Ascension Lutheran Church (Riverside, IL). Their welcome statement reads: “Ascension Lutheran Church is a community of faith that deeply values relationship and human connection. As such, we feel called to a ministry of hospitality, learning to take seriously the wide-netted welcome that our gift of hospitality […]

A New RIC Community: Desert Streams Lutheran Church (Waddell, AZ)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Desert Streams Lutheran Church (Waddell, AZ). Their welcome statement reads: “In response to the overwhelming love of God, we stand in awe of the wideness of God’s mercy. In faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, mindful of our Lutheran emphasis on grace, and rejoicing in […]

A New RIC Community: Triumphant Cross Lutheran Church (Salem, NH)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Triumphant Cross Lutheran Church (Salem, NH). Their welcome statement reads: “At Triumphant Cross, we welcome all who are seeking God’s love and grace, regardless of race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or relationship status. We welcome you without regard to addictions, physical or […]

A New RIC Community: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Lexington, VA)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Lexington, VA). Their welcome statement reads: “Welcome to God’s house at Good Shepherd. We strive to live by Jesus’ command: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31). Just as Jesus first called all humankind in grace and love, so too […]

A New RIC Community: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church (Portland, OR)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church (Portland, OR). Their welcome statement reads: “God is love. St Mark’s Lutheran Church welcomes all who gather here. St Mark’s welcomes you regardless of race or culture, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or relationship status. We welcome all regardless […]

A New RIC Community: St. Paul Lutheran Church (Tampa, FL)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: St. Paul Lutheran Church (Tampa, FL). Their welcome statement reads: “At St Paul Lutheran Church our mission is to share God’s love in historic Seminole Heights and the greater Tampa area. The Holy Spirit has drawn us together by baptism into the body of Christ. We […]