Author: Ashlei Cramer

A new RIC community: Mercy Seat (Minneapolis, MN)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community, Mercy Seat Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota! Their welcome statement reads: “At Mercy Seat, we are a community that welcomes you, in all the ways that you define yourself. We welcome people of all races, cultures and origins, all sexual orientations and gender identities, all abilities […]

A new RIC community: Epiphany Lutheran Church (Suwanee, GA)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: Epiphany Lutheran Church in Suwanee, Georgia! Their welcome statement reads: “Our unity is in Christ. We welcome all because God welcomes all, regardless of any human divisions: race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or relationship status. We welcome all without regard to addictions, […]

A new RIC community: Highlands Lutheran Church (Denver, CO)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: Highlands Lutheran Church in Denver, CO! Their welcome statement reads: “We as Highlands Lutheran Church invite all into the fullness of God’s love. This invitation is inclusive of all human kind, national origin, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, physical or mental ability, […]

A new RIC community: St. Peter’s Lutheran Church (Harwich, MA)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Harwich, MA! Their welcome statement reads: “Welcome to new visitors and old friends. We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation and strive to welcome people of every age and size, color and culture, every sexual orientation and gender identity, socioeconomic status, […]

A new RIC community: Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (Simi Valley, CA)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Simi Valley, California! Their welcome statement reads: “All are Welcome! As a community of faith following Jesus’ commandment to love one another, the members of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church are called to include all people seeking a […]

A new RIC community: Trinity Lutheran Church (Galesburg, IL)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: Trinity Lutheran Church in Galesburg, IL! Their welcome statement reads: “Members of Trinity Lutheran Church are freed by the Gospel to seek reconciliation and wholeness in a world that is frequently an unloving place. We extend a welcome to ALL, including people of all gender identities […]

A new RIC community: St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church (Woodbury, NJ)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Woodbury, NJ! Their welcome statement reads: “In response to the overwhelming love of God, we stand in awe of the wideness of God’s mercy. In faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, mindful of our Lutheran emphasis on grace, and rejoicing […]

A new RIC community: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (Austin, TX)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas! Their welcome statement (in English and Spanish too!) reads: “We, the members of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, as a faith community, affirm that through faith in Christ Jesus “there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, […]

A new RIC community: Luther Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church (Delavan, WI)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: Luther Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church in Delavan, WI! Their welcome statement reads: “As we at Luther Memorial journey toward reconciliation, we proclaim this statement of welcome to all. Recognizing that there are differences among us, we believe that we can love alike even though we may […]

A new RIC community: Lutheran Church of the Palms (Palm Harbor, FL)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC congregation: Lutheran Church of the Palms in Palm Harbor, FL! Their welcome statement reads: “We are a Welcoming Congregation. All people regardless of age, ethnic origin, marital status (married, single, divorced, separated, widowed, partnered) differently abled, sexual orientation, or gender identity are welcome to join us and […]