Author: Zac Baker

Southeastern synod assembly passes LGBT justice resolution

The Southeastern Synod (ELCA) assembly passed 2016-07, “A Resolution Concerning Justice,” addressing recent anti-LGBTQ laws passed by several of its state assemblies. ReconcilingWorks affirms the synod’s action as it continues its journey as a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) synod. The resolution cites the 1997 ELCA Churchwide Assembly memorial calling for the US Congress to outlaw workplace […]

Northwest Washington Synod assembly calls for education, advocacy on behalf of transgender neighbors

The Northwest Washington Synod (ELCA) passed “A Statement of Support of Congregational Education Measures Regarding Transgender Individuals.” ReconcilingWorks affirms the assembly’s actions and commits to be a resource for congregations, their members, synod leaders, and pastors as they learn more about and educate on behalf of their transgender and non-binary neighbors. The resolution cites the 2013 […]

First RIC community in Alabama: Christ Lutheran Church (Prattville, AL)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to recognize the first Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community in Alabama: Christ Lutheran Church of Prattville! “We at Christ Lutheran believe that we are called to be a congregation that opens its doors to all, especially those who have been harmed, excluded or marginalized by society or other faith traditions.  We have […]

Expressing Thanks and Deep Gratitude

On behalf of ReconcilingWorks and its Board of Directors, I want to express my deepest thanks and gratitude for Tim Fisher and his nine years of dedication and service to our organization and let you know his last day with ReconcilingWorks will be May 19th. Tim Fisher has worked faithfully for ReconcilingWorks since 2007. Tim’s […]

Bishop Brauer-Rieke praises Oregon Department of Education’s safe school guidelines

Rev. Dave Brauer-Rieke, bishop of the Oregon Synod (ELCA), wrote a letter to the editor of the Oregonian praising the Oregon Department of Education’s guidance to school districts on creating safe and supportive school environment for transgender students. See the full letter and text of school-district guidelines in the bishop’s letter below:  Dear Casey Parks, […]

Standing in solidarity with LGBTQ Methodists

ReconcilingWorks stands in solidarity with LGBTQ and ally United Methodist Church (UMC) friends as they meet for the UMC General Conference today through May 20 in Portland, Oregon. Over 4,000 delegates, UMC officials, Board and Agency employees, local volunteers, and others from around the world will be on hand as this global denomination will vote […]

NC Synod Assembly to consider House Bill 2

The Justice and Advocacy Committee of the North Carolina Synod (ELCA) has submitted a resolution to the synod assembly calling for the repeal of the state’s discriminatory law known as House Bill 2. House Bill 2: discriminates in housing, employment, and other areas on the bases of age, sex, religion, national origin, race, class, disability, […]

Rocky Mountain Synod votes to strengthen LGBTQ welcome

ReconcilingWorks celebrates the actions of the Rocky Mountain Synod (ELCA) to strengthen its welcome to LGBTQ people and develop its partnership with ReconcilingWorks and Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries. On Saturday, April 30, the synod assembly voted to: Adopt a welcome statement: “We as the Rocky Mountain Synod, ELCA invite all into the fullness of God’s love. […]

Trinity Lutheran Seminary Becomes Reconciling in Christ

Trinity Lutheran Seminary, a seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) located in Columbus, Ohio, has been designated as Reconciling in Christ (RIC). On May 1, the institution’s board of directors acknowledged unanimously that the “Trinity Lutheran Seminary community welcomes, embraces, and celebrates people of all sexual orientations and gender identities whom the Spirit […]

Northwest Washington bishop speaks against I-1515, anti-transgender ballot initiative

Bishop Kirby Unti, Northwest Washington Synod, spoke yesterday against the I-1515, a new ballot initiative attempting to repeal protections for transgender people in Washington State. “As a Christian, I believe in loving our neighbors as ourselves and treating others the way we want to be treated, including those who may seem different from us. And that’s […]