Author: Zac Baker

A new RIC community, Mount Olive Lutheran Church (Santa Monica, CA)


Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Profile Survey

The Rev. Anita Hill Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

The Rev. Anita C. Hill was presented with the Chuck Lewis Lifetime Achievement Award. This award recognizes a member of the LGBT community who has given a life-time of exemplary service, who has been a pivotal example of moving the pendulum of justice forward for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions. It […]

Straddling Two Hashtags

Dr. Sharon Groves delivered the keynote address at Until All Are Free on August 1 to a rapt audience gathered in Hoverston Chapel on the campus of Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dr. Groves, the former Director of the Religion and Faith Program at the Human Rights Campaign and currently working with organizations such as […]

ReconcilingWorks 2015 Assembly: Until All Are Free

  Attendees worshipped, sang, studied scripture, and made plans for renewed efforts in support of full inclusion. They honored those who have come before, learning from each other and from partners in ministry, envisioning and creating next steps for ReconcilingWorks as an organization, and to worship the God whose extravagant grace is meant for all: […]

“Until All Are Free” Recap

For the over 200 who gather at the ReconcilingWorks Assembly this past weekend and all who held us in prayer, thank you for creating a sacred space for all to find community, celebrate ReconcilingWorks successes, and to share your wisdom on how to best move our mission forward. We are grateful for the great cloud of witness who are committed to doing the important and challenging work to ensure lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people and families have a safe place to worship and to thrive. 

My Lutheran Faith Community Performs Same Gender Weddings!

ReconcilingWorks is already getting calls about Lutheran congregations who will be providing marriages for couples affected by this ruling.

2015 ELCA Youth Gathering: Our Rainbow Proclamation

  “Beloved, Child of God, In God’s Image, Unique, Authentic.” These are just some of the affirming messages that ReconcilingWorks will be sending to the over 30,000 youth at the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, Michigan.   Our most colorfully extravagant year ever, the theme of this year’s ReconcilingWorks booth is “Find another word.” Our invitation is simple: […]

ReconcilingWorks responds to ELCA pastoral letter regarding Supreme Court decision

“As the nation celebrates the recent Supreme Court ruling granting the freedom to marry in all fifty states, ReconcilingWorks yearns for a time when the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) will find a way to speak clearly, without reservation or caveat, about the dignity and value of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) […]

ReconcilingWorks Rejoices at Supreme Court Decisions on the Freedom to Marry

ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation responds with joy to today’s Supreme Court decision on the freedom to marry. ReconcilingWorks applauds the court’s decision to recognize the fundamental right for all people to have equal access to marriage. For the first time, the U.S. government, working through the Supreme Court, has recognized categorically committed, loving relationships […]