Author: Zac Baker

40 Years of Re-Forming the Church

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted 95 theses on the local church house door, calling for spiritual renewal and ecclesiastical reform. Luther’s words touched off a worldwide movement that turned the Church inside out, revealing the central core of the Gospel message of God’s unconditional love and acceptance of all in Jesus Christ.

For 40 years ReconcilingWorks has and continues to work for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the life of the church and society. The work of many heroes and saints—that is, of members, volunteers, donors and supporters just like you—have helped create safe places for LGBT people and families to worship and thrive. 

But our work is not done. ReconcilingWorks knows both church and world remain in great need of reformation and renewal. We know it is critical for welcome to be a lived experience for all, not just a statement attached to the church door.

As we mark 40 years of reform and renewal, will you celebrate ReconcilingWorks by supporting the work we still have ahead of all of us? Make a financial gift of $40 in commemoration of our 40th anniversary or of an amount meaningful to you.

Please help us keep turning the world inside out, honoring the wisdom and courage of Martin Luther and all the saints who have come before us. DONATE NOW.

Responses Requested for ELCA Questionnaire on Ministry to LGBT Couples

  The ELCA’s Working Group for Ministry to and with Same Gender Couples and their Families needs your input. As part of the Working Group’s mission to encourage conversations and resource sharing throughout the church about ministering to and with LGBT couples and their families, the Working Group has developed a questionnaire to discover what […]


Post by ReconcilingWorks. Spirit Day encourages all to make a public witness against bullying and to show their support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth. Observed annually since 2010, individuals, congregations, schools, organizations, corporations, and public figures wear purple, which symbolizes “spirit” on the rainbow flag. Suggested prayer petition for Oct. 12 (Anticipating Spirit […]

Ally Week

What is Ally Week? Ally Week, taking place this year October 12-18 is a whole week where we can engage in a national dialogue about how everyone can work to become better allies to LGBT youth. Whether you’re a lesbian adult working to make schools safer for today’s youth, or a gay student organizing to […]

A new RIC community, Elk River Lutheran Church

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A new RIC community, Gethsemane Lutheran Church

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A Plea for Sanctuary: Standing with Francisco Aguirre

On September 19, 2014, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) knocked on Francisco Aguirre’s home at 7 a.m. when he was showering. Because they didn’t have a warrant, Aguirre refused to open his door and talk with the agents. With ICE promising to return with a warrant, Aguirre fled his home with his wife […]

A new RIC community, Grace and Peace Lutheran

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Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!

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Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with ReconcilingWorks! Can you name these famous LGBT people of Latin@ heritage?

Bisexuality and Lutheranism: My Both/And Identities

People are fascinating. There are so many ways of being male or being female or being both or rejecting the binary altogether. While that being refers to gender expression, not to be confused with sexuality, I am intrigued by and attracted to many expressions across the gender spectrum. So when I only have a few […]