Author: Zac Baker

“Pastoral Care with Transgender and/or Same-Gender-Loving People” – Lutherans Concerned Teaching at Creating Change 2012 in Baltimore

 Lutherans Concerned will join with other faith groups in presenting two academies of special interest to pastors and laypeople in the Practice Spirit Do Justice program of “Creating Change” in Baltimore, January 2012.   “Pastoral Care with Transgender and/or Same-Gender-Loving People” will be facilitated by JamieAnn Meyers, Transgender Representative on the LC/NA Board of Directors and […]

“Building Bridges Across Oppressions” – Lutherans Concerned Teaching at Creating Change 2012 in Baltimore

Lutherans Concerned will join with other faith groups in presenting two academies of special interest to pastors and laypeople in the Practice Spirit Do Justice program of Creating Change in Baltimore, January 2012.   “Building Bridges Across Oppressions” will be facilitated by JamieAnn Meyers, Transgender Representative on the LC/NA Board of Directors and LC/NA Co-Chair Nicole […]

BREAKING NEWS: Lutheran School of Theology Chicago Offers LC/NA Course Free For CEU’s

Since there are still spaces available, the Lutheran School of Theology Chicago has decided to offer a scheduled J-term course on faith based community organizing and building an inclusive church for three hours of continuing education credit. The weeklong class will run from January 9 thru 13, 2012, 9am to 4pm each day.  The course […]

Equality Maryland Clergy Support Letter

[Sent to the membership lists of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, and the District of Columbia] Maryland will soon be undergoing another round of battles in its legislature to legalize same-gender marriage.  Equality Maryland has a Clergy Support letter on its website,   Strong opposition to equal rights for LGBT people has come […]

Press clips 111209

[The following clip synopses and hyperlinks were generated through Google News.] Disclosure tied to Minn. gay marriage measure will come down to semantics … The Republic Campaign-style ads that discuss the pros or cons of gay marriage but don’t specifically mention a 2012 vote on a Minnesota constitutional amendment will require less disclosure about who’s […]

Rev. Vicki Wunsch Hired as Grassroots Organizing and Training Coordinator

Lutherans Concerned has hired Rev. Vicki Wunsch as Grassroots Organizing and Training Coordinator.  Vicki will take up her post and responsibilities at the LC/NA headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota.  She will work nationally in her new position.   Vicki has a Master’s degree in curriculum development and training from the University of Minnesota and a […]

Retired Presiding Bishop Chilstrom Calls on Catholic Bishops To Listen To LGBT Couples

In an article published in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, December 8, the Rev. Herbert Chilstrom, first presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, spoke to the Roman Catholic bishops in Minnesota, and by extension, to all Roman Catholic bishops, about the position taken by them in support of the upcoming ballot to amend the […]

Resources for upcoming January 29 RIC Sunday Now Available For Downloading

Dear Friends and Members of Lutherans Concerned/North America:   Annually, the last Sunday in January is designated as “Reconciling in Christ Sunday.” RIC Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate the witness of God’s love for persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities. It’s a time to highlight what it means to live a theology […]

December 1 is World AIDS Day

December 1 is World AIDS Day, a day set aside worldwide for prayer, action, reflection, remembrance, awareness and advocacy about the AIDS pandemic,  33 million people infected worldwide.  The U.S. Center for Disease Control estimates that a new person is infected with the disease every nine and a half minutes.   AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, […]

California Supreme Court Moves the Proposition 8 Appeal Case Closer to a 9th Circuit Court Decision

Today, November 17, the California Supreme Court handed down its decision that the proponents of Proposition 8 had the right to appeal the August 2010 decision of Chief Judge Vaughn Walker, U.S. District Court, that the law was unconstitutional.   This ruling answers the question asked of the California Supreme Court by the 9th U.S. […]