Author: Zac Baker

Diane DeLange Died September 30

Diane Nelson DeLange died peacefully at 7:00 p.m. PDT, September 30, 2011, with her husband, Jim, and son, Matt, present.  Her daughter, Adrienne, was still in hospital following the birth of Diane’s second grandson Glenn on September 28.   Diane was 67 years old, having been born on July 7, 1944.   Emily Eastwood, Executive Director, […]

Judicatory Leaders Convocation

 Judicatory Leaders Convocation November 29 – December 2, 2011   Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center Carefree, Arizona     Dear Bishop or ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Judicatory Leader:   Greetings! We write you today to invite you to an ecumenical gathering for bishops and judicatory executives for the purpose of addressing issues related to the welcoming and […]

Anti-Bullying: Speeches from the Churchwide Assembly

Continue on to read speeches in support of the anti-bullying memorial on the floor of the 2011 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.

Preparing for Hurricane Irene: Information specifically for transgender people, useful for everyone as well

[The following message came to us from Vincent Paolo Villano, National Center for Transgender Equality, regarding concerns about transgender people displaced by the approaching Hurricane Irene.  If you know of someone who would benefit from this information, please get it to them.  Additionally, the kit contains general information useful to anyone who is in the […]

ELCA Churchwide Assembly Day 5

This was the last day of the assembly, half day actually, and yet a busy one.   Some previous actions first:   Yesterday, late on Thursday, it was reported that Lutheran CORE, who had an information and hospitality suite, had experienced vandalism, “destruction of property.”  As it turned out, what had happened was the signs […]

ELCA Churchwide Assembly Day 4

Thursday at the Churchwide Assembly.  I am going to miss Microphone 11.  Where I usually sit in the assembly hall is in the Visitors Section on the right side rear as you face the dais.  Directly down the aisle straight in front of me about 60 feet away is Microphone 11 – a “Green” microphone, […]

Sermon, Goodsoil Worship Service, August 17, 2011, ELCA Churchwide Assembly

[Rev. Dr. Shauna K. Hannan, Associate Professor of Homiletics, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, preached this sermon at the the Goodsoil Worship Service held on August 17, 2011 during the 2011 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, August 15-19, 2011, in Orlando, Florida.]   Sisters and brothers in Christ, hear and believe this, […]

ELCA Churchwide Assembly Day 3

The report on Wednesday.  In the morning riding back up in the elevator to retrieve something, I watched as multiple floor buttons were lit as people chose their destinations.  I recounted to those on the elevator that I had once been in Las Vegas attending a conference, and had noticed oddly that many times when […]

Lutheran Churchwide Assembly Passes Resolution Leading to Action to Eliminate Bullying Wherever Found

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, met in biennial churchwide assembly in Orlando, Florida, passed a resolution submitted by 37 of its 65 synods that seeks to join the church at all levels in efforts to seek out, curb and work to eliminate bullying in church, school and society.   The assembly heard from a […]

ELCA Churchwide Assembly Day 2

Day Two and folks definitely have their assembly legs.  Serious business was conducted today.  Will tell you of the Presiding Bishop’s Report, things seen and overheard, and other actions of the assembly.   Yesterday, I mentioned that you can watch the assembly proceedings live.  You can also watch the proceedings afterward.  The url for both […]