Author: Zac Baker

Revs. Jay Wiesner, Stephen Keiser to be received onto ELCA roster

As reported by the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod: —————————- The Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) will receive two pastors onto its roster of ordained ministers in upcoming congregational ceremonies. The Rev. Jay A. Wiesner of University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation (UniLu) and the Rev. Stephen Keiser of the Lutheran […]

Give to the Max, and increase your welcome

Our second annual “Give to the Max Day” has begun!  Last year, we were able to raise $13,000. We hope to match or top that this year!’s Give to the Max Day amplifies your giving impact in a number of ways: • Win a Golden Ticket! $1,000 will be given to a random donor’s charity […]

Resources Available for RIC Sunday 2011

Annually, the last Sunday in January is designated as “Reconciling in Christ Sunday.” RIC Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate the witness of God’s love for persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities. It’s a time to highlight what it means to live a theology of reconciliation. Go here to download RIC Sunday resources: […]

PRESS RELEASE – Lutherans Concerned Endorses Anti-Bullying Message of Bishop Hanson, Calls for Action

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate ReleaseOctober 29, 2010Contact:  Phil Soucy, 703-980-2038, Lutherans Concerned Endorses Anti-Bullying Message of Bishop Hanson, Calls for Action   Lutherans Concerned/North America (LC/NA) endorses the message on bullying released yesterday as a video on the ELCA website, on YouTube (, and on the website for the “It Gets Better” Project ( In […]

RIC Sunday: January 25, 2015


RIC Sunday: January 26, 2014

“God is my light and salvation! Whom shall I fear?”

In an anxious world, Psalm 27 makes a bold claim: Don’t hide in fear’s shadows—come, live in the light! As a Reconciling In Christ community, you know what it means to answer this calling. You are a church where people of every sexual orientation and gender identity are welcome to live without fear.

This year many congregations will celebrate Reconciling In Christ Sunday on January 26, 2014, the third Sunday after Epiphany. Will you?

Worship Resources for RIC Sunday 2014 are available HERE now. 

LC/NA calls upon clergy, others to sign anti-bullying statement

In a groundbreaking alliance of high level, mainline Christian leaders and faith groups–even some that do not yet fully include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people–released a statement calling on “the Church Universal to join us in working to end the violence and hatred against our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender brothers and sisters.” […]

The bullying must stop

Bullying has to stop. Any and every kind of bullying. Bullying is very much in the news at the moment, and should be. It has apparently resulted in the deaths by suicide of at least five young people under the age of 20 in recent weeks. Unknown is how many other young lives have been […]

Regional Directors and Coordinators

Click on a Regional Coordinator/Regional Director’s name to contact. If you are not sure which ELCA Region you belong to, please see the ELCA map.  Co-Lead Regional Coordinator Paul JollyPaul Jolly (He/him) is a retired Civil Engineer living in Portland, Oregon.  He and his life partner, Karen, enjoy sharing their time working with volunteer organizations, traveling, and […]


Let Justic Roll Down Like Waters is over, but you can relive it with the help of the info and links on this page. Saturday worship View video Download PDF of the worship bulletin Blog postings Daring to Hope, July 9, 2010: “Reflections on Lutherans Concerned Assembly” Spirit of a Liberal, July 9, 2010: “Lutherans […]