“Building Bridges Across Oppressions” – Lutherans Concerned Teaching at Creating Change 2012 in Baltimore

Lutherans Concerned will join with other faith groups in presenting two academies of special interest to pastors and laypeople in the Practice Spirit Do Justice program of Creating Change in Baltimore, January 2012. 

 “Building Bridges Across Oppressions” will be facilitated by JamieAnn Meyers, Transgender Representative on the LC/NA Board of Directors and LC/NA Co-Chair Nicole Garcia  The Rev. Roland Stringfellow of the Pacific School of Religion’s Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, and Nita Henry, Executive Director of The Kaleidoscope Project will join JamieAnn and Nicole as faculty in this program. This academy is a collaboration of the Interfaith Working Group, UCC Genderfold Action Alliance, and the Pacific School of Religion.


 Time/Place: Baltimore, MD, Friday, January 27, 2012, afternoon.

Register through Creating Change www.creatingchange.org


 LGBTpeople experience multiple oppressions that intersect one another in complex ways. Working in behalf of others who are affected by multiple oppressions in faith communities is essential to achieving full welcome and inclusion. To build bridges between various oppressions, we must first understand our own privilege and power and their interplay in oppression dynamics. Participants will come away with a new understanding of movement building and problem solving through an anti-oppression lens.


Participants will gain a new understanding of privilege and power in the context of intersections of oppression. Some constituencies are impacted by so many conspiring experiences that organizing in isolation from multiple marginalizations often leads to a limited level of impact. Bridges will be built across these multiple oppressions so that collaboration with activists from different working groups may result in movement building and problem-solving through an anti-oppression lens.

 If you have not already done so, sign up now for this important learning experience and gateway to improving your advocacy for full inclusion.

 The other academy, “Pastoral Care with Transgender and/or Same-Gender-Loving People,” is covered in a separate notice to members.

 Additionally, Lutherans Concerned will have a display in the hall with other welcoming communities of faith and advocacy organizations.  Operations Manager Brett Bowman and Communications Director Phil Soucy will be at our display, advocating for full inclusion and reconciliation.  Come and meet them, assist if you want, and carry the message about LC/NA’s work with you into the 2012 Creating Change.