Funding the Mission is Part of the Mission
Deepen & Expand the Reconciling in Christ Program
- Provides outreach and education for congregations on their Reconciling in Christ (RIC) journey
- Resource creation, production, and shipping across the map
- Strengthens relationships with current RIC settings reminding us all: this holy work is never done
Dismantle Injustice Based on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression, Race, Ethnicity & Other Categories through a Lutheran Lens
- Bring advocacy out into the community as people of faith for LGBTQIA+ protections.
- Be a Lutheran faith voice in society in support of LGBTQIA+ people and families.
- LGBTQIA+ bodies come in all bodies, so our holy work must be intersectional and ecumenical.
Build & Strengthen Relationships with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) & the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC)
- Build and strengthen relationships with bishops by attending the conference of bishops.
- Engage with churchwide staff and church council to ensure LGBTQIA+-inclusive policies are implemented.
- Continue to move the church to be its best self for LGBTQIA+ people and others in the margins through policy updates.
Sustainably Fund the Mission
- Financial sustainability.
- Healthy income.
- Creates opportunities to vision and dream about this holy work in news ways.