
A new RIC community, Saint Paul Lutheran Church



World Council of Churches’ “Create Safe Space Caucus” Statement

ReconcilingWorks is working in coalition with seven other church-based LGBT advocacy groups at the World Council of Churches (WCC) assembly being held in Busan, South Korea. ReconcilingWorks staff member Tim Fisher, is representing our organization at the WCC this week. The coalition, called the Create Safe Space Caucus, released the following statement today: For Immediate ReleaseFrom: […]

Dr. JamieAnn Meyers to speak at Room for All (RFA) Conference

One of our own is reaching out across denominations to do the work of welcome and inclusion! ReconcilingWorks would like to lift JamieAnn Meyers up in our prayers as she presents at Room for All’s third National Conference. For more information about the conference visit: This workshop will give participants a foundation for understanding […]

Karen Krause, Toledo, Ohio

Because you make a difference.

Carolyn Riehl, New York, New York

I support ReconcilingWorks because I admire many things about the organization, especially the fact that it focuses on ministry as much as advocacy, its excellent reporting of events and information, and the strong light it shines on justice for all.

Rev. Kenneth Dale, Claremont, California

I enjoy reading the Concord, and appreciate the work of ReconcilingWorks in general, mainly because I think you are sincere in keeping your message of fairness toward all human beings grounded in Christian faith and values. I think it is this grounding that makes your voice effective within the Lutheran Church. Surely the advancement of […]

Revs. Sue and Tim Gamelin, Jamestown, North Carolina

Tim and I are deeply grateful for the part that Lutherans Concerned/North America has played, and continues to play in the ELCA. ReconcilingWorks’s gracious, informed, and patient leadership was vital, absolutely vital, in moving the ELCA to the vote in Minneapolis in 2009. I wept and wept that night in Minneapolis. I wept tears of […]

Rev. David and Gloria Baker, Penn Valley, California

Thank  you . . . for your message and the invitation . . . for a quote. You can tell whoever you would like that we support the ministry of ReconcilingWorks because we believe in the inclusiveness of God’s love for all people, that no one should be made to feel unwelcome in Christ’s church, […]