
A New RIC Community: Peace Lutheran Church (Waldorf, MD)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Peace Lutheran Church (Waldorf, MD). Their welcome statement reads: “In response to God’s unconditional love for all people, we at Peace Lutheran Church affirm that every person is a child of God. All believers and seekers regardless of your age, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, […]

A New RIC Community: Christ the King Lutheran Church (Holliston, MA)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Christ the King Lutheran Church (Holliston, MA). Their welcome statement reads: ““My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you” -John 15:12 We at Christ the King Lutheran Church believe that everyone has been beautifully and lovingly created by God. We believe […]

A New RIC Community: Saint James Lutheran Church (Johnston, IA)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Saint James Lutheran Church (Johnston, IA). Their welcome statement reads: “When the people of Saint James say “all are welcome,” we mean… If you are seeking the grace, love and mercy of God, You are welcome at Saint James Lutheran Church! No matter your age, […]

A New RIC Community: Concordia Lutheran Church (Concord, NH)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Concordia Lutheran Church (Concord, NH). Their welcome statement reads: “Concordia Lutheran Church welcomes all people seeking God’s love and grace. We welcome all, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, politics, culture, or anything else that might divide us. God’s love welcomes […]

A New RIC Community: Advent Lutheran Church (Wyckoff, NJ)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Advent Lutheran Church (Wyckoff, NJ). Their welcome statement reads: “We believe God’s love is expansive and unconditional. Through Christ, God calls us to love one another as God loves us. We celebrate people of every age, culture, difference of ability, economic circumstance, ethnic background, family […]

A New RIC Community: Bethany Lutheran Church (Cromwell, CT)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Bethany Lutheran Church (Cromwell, CT). Their welcome statement reads: “We welcome all because God welcomes all, regardless of race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or relationship status. We welcome all without regard to addictions, physical or mental health, imprisonment, socio-economic circumstances, or […]

A New RIC Community: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church (Fairfield, CA)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church (Fairfield, CA). Their welcome statement reads: “We are St. Mark’s Lutheran Church where everyone is welcomed and everyone is loved. We invite all into the grace, love and acceptance we have from God. We welcome YOU: who you are, as you […]

A New RIC Community: Faith Lutheran Church (Quincy, MA)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community: Faith Lutheran Church (Quincy, MA). Their welcome statement reads: “All are welcome at Faith Lutheran Church, as the Spirit accompanies us on our mission to WELCOME, WORSHIP, PROCLAIM, and SERVE in Christ’s Love. We welcome and affirm all people because God values the worth of […]