
Bishop Michael Rinehart, Gulf Coast Synod, ELCA, encourages bridge building for churches and LGBTQ people

Once again this year as summer begins, we find ourselves face-to-face with a massacre. Last year on June 17, it was the Charleston massacre. This year on June 13 it is the Orlando massacre. Our hearts are heavy. Many of you found about this after worship this past Sunday or perhaps only heard about it […]

Bishop Patricia Lull, Saint Paul Area Synod, ELCA, grieves with the LGBTQ community

“Even with darkness sealing us in, We breathe Your name, And through all the days that follow so fast, We trust in You; Endless Your grace, O endless Your grace …” [From Stephen Paulus’ Pilgrims’ Hymn, words by Michael Dennis Browne] These are days of profound sadness with the loss of 50 lives and many […]

Bishop Murray Finck, Pacifica Synod, ELCA, offers prayer and compassion for the LGBTQ community

Again we join people across our nation and around the world with mourning and lament. We pray for the families of the 50 people slain, and the 53 wounded victims of the horrific slaughter of innocent lives in Orlando. Let us hold them in our hearts. We grieve for the peoples of LGBTQ communities everywhere […]

Bishop John S. Macholz, Upstate NY Synod, ELCA, prays for an end to violence against the LGBTQ community

50? Is that what it’s going to take? Or is it 60 or 75 or 100? When will we take a stand and say no more? No more killing grounded in ignorance! No more hate crimes against our brothers and sisters in the LGBTQIA community! No more deaths because someone’s skin is a different color […]

Bishop Clare Burkat, Southeastern PA Synod, ELCA, offers prayers for healing and hope for LGBTQ people

This is my prayer tonight… God of peace, mercy and justice. The suffering on this day is inconsolable, the tears overflowing, and the fear palpable. The slaying of your LGBTQ people in Orlando cries out for healing, hope and Justice.. Hear the cries of grief and the anguish of loss. Have mercy and compassion for […]

Bishop Steve Talmage, Grand Canyon Synod, ELCA, offers prayers for the LGBTQ community, action steps for Lutherans

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: Once again our nation has been rocked by the senseless and horrific act of one human being against other human beings. Once again our President has had to address our nation because someone filled with hatred toward another and possibly motivated by extremist religious teaching has chosen to act […]

Bishop Kevin S. Kanouse, North Texas-North Louisiana Synod, ELCA, offers support to the LGBTQ community, prays for justice

My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ in the NT-NL Mission Area: + Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ! + As I conclude my call to the office of bishop, in these last days, I cannot help but shudder at the depth of human sin and […]

A new RIC community: Wilderness Way Community (Portland, OR)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to announce our newest RIC community: the Wilderness Way Community in Portland, Oregon! Their welcome statement reads: “The Wilderness Way Community is dedicated to liberation from oppression in all its forms. Finding our power and wisdom in the Christian tradition and the natural world, we empower all people to become fearless spiritual […]