
Bishop Steve Talmage, Grand Canyon Synod, ELCA, offers prayers for the LGBTQ community, action steps for Lutherans

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: Once again our nation has been rocked by the senseless and horrific act of one human being against other human beings. Once again our President has had to address our nation because someone filled with hatred toward another and possibly motivated by extremist religious teaching has chosen to act […]

Bishop Kevin S. Kanouse, North Texas-North Louisiana Synod, ELCA, offers support to the LGBTQ community, prays for justice

My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ in the NT-NL Mission Area: + Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ! + As I conclude my call to the office of bishop, in these last days, I cannot help but shudder at the depth of human sin and […]

A new RIC community: Wilderness Way Community (Portland, OR)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to announce our newest RIC community: the Wilderness Way Community in Portland, Oregon! Their welcome statement reads: “The Wilderness Way Community is dedicated to liberation from oppression in all its forms. Finding our power and wisdom in the Christian tradition and the natural world, we empower all people to become fearless spiritual […]

Bishop Herman Yoos, South Carolina Synod, ELCA, prays for peace, stands with LGBTQ community

ReconcilingWorks thanks Bishop Herman Yoos, South Carolina Synod, ELCA, for pledging to support the LGBTQ community and offering prayers for peace. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It was a year ago this week that we witnessed the massacre of the Mother Emanuel nine and the words of grace and forgiveness their families spoke to the gunman before […]

Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, ELCA Presiding Bishop: “We need to examine ourselves, individually and as a church.”

ReconcilingWorks thanks the Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for releasing this statement concerning the Orlando shooting victims and challenging the church to stand with LGBTQ people who have been othered. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of […]

Bishop Jim Hazelwood, New England Synod, ELCA, offers hope to LGBTQ community, prays for change

ReconcilingWorks thanks Bishop Jim Hazelwood, New England Synod, ELCA, for his words of hope to the LGBTQ community and his call for responsible gun laws. This past weekend we held the 29th Assembly of the New England Synod under the theme “No Reservations: A Place at the Table for Everyone.” On Saturday, we received greetings from Imam Wissam Abdel-Baki and Interfaith […]

Bishop Brauer-Rieke, Oregon Synod, ELCA, offers prayers for LGBTQ community, challenge for church

ReconcilingWorks thanks Bishop Dave Brauer-Rieke, Oregon Synod, ELCA, for his words of comfort to the LGBTQ community and his challenge to the church. “Dear Friends, ELCA Lutherans in Oregon join people around the world today in prayers, grief and concern over the shooting in Orlando, FL yesterday. Words fail me as I write to you, but what my […]

Bishop Unti, Northwest Washington Synod, ELCA, offers support for LGBTQ community, challenge for church

ReconcilingWorks thanks Bishop Unti, Northwest Washington Synod, ELCA, for his words supporting the LGBTQ community in Orlando and challenging the church to speak out against hate. “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for […]