
First RIC community in Alabama: Christ Lutheran Church (Prattville, AL)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to recognize the first Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community in Alabama: Christ Lutheran Church of Prattville! “We at Christ Lutheran believe that we are called to be a congregation that opens its doors to all, especially those who have been harmed, excluded or marginalized by society or other faith traditions.  We have […]

A new RIC community: Mercy Seat (Minneapolis, MN)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community, Mercy Seat Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota! Their welcome statement reads: “At Mercy Seat, we are a community that welcomes you, in all the ways that you define yourself. We welcome people of all races, cultures and origins, all sexual orientations and gender identities, all abilities […]

A new RIC community: Epiphany Lutheran Church (Suwanee, GA)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: Epiphany Lutheran Church in Suwanee, Georgia! Their welcome statement reads: “Our unity is in Christ. We welcome all because God welcomes all, regardless of any human divisions: race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or relationship status. We welcome all without regard to addictions, […]

Expressing Thanks and Deep Gratitude

On behalf of ReconcilingWorks and its Board of Directors, I want to express my deepest thanks and gratitude for Tim Fisher and his nine years of dedication and service to our organization and let you know his last day with ReconcilingWorks will be May 19th. Tim Fisher has worked faithfully for ReconcilingWorks since 2007. Tim’s […]

Bishop Brauer-Rieke praises Oregon Department of Education’s safe school guidelines

Rev. Dave Brauer-Rieke, bishop of the Oregon Synod (ELCA), wrote a letter to the editor of the Oregonian praising the Oregon Department of Education’s guidance to school districts on creating safe and supportive school environment for transgender students. See the full letter and text of school-district guidelines in the bishop’s letter below:  Dear Casey Parks, […]

A new RIC community: Highlands Lutheran Church (Denver, CO)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: Highlands Lutheran Church in Denver, CO! Their welcome statement reads: “We as Highlands Lutheran Church invite all into the fullness of God’s love. This invitation is inclusive of all human kind, national origin, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, physical or mental ability, […]

A new RIC community: St. Peter’s Lutheran Church (Harwich, MA)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Harwich, MA! Their welcome statement reads: “Welcome to new visitors and old friends. We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation and strive to welcome people of every age and size, color and culture, every sexual orientation and gender identity, socioeconomic status, […]

Standing in solidarity with LGBTQ Methodists

ReconcilingWorks stands in solidarity with LGBTQ and ally United Methodist Church (UMC) friends as they meet for the UMC General Conference today through May 20 in Portland, Oregon. Over 4,000 delegates, UMC officials, Board and Agency employees, local volunteers, and others from around the world will be on hand as this global denomination will vote […]