
A new RIC community: Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (Simi Valley, CA)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Simi Valley, California! Their welcome statement reads: “All are Welcome! As a community of faith following Jesus’ commandment to love one another, the members of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church are called to include all people seeking a […]

A new RIC community: Trinity Lutheran Church (Galesburg, IL)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: Trinity Lutheran Church in Galesburg, IL! Their welcome statement reads: “Members of Trinity Lutheran Church are freed by the Gospel to seek reconciliation and wholeness in a world that is frequently an unloving place. We extend a welcome to ALL, including people of all gender identities […]

NC Synod Assembly to consider House Bill 2

The Justice and Advocacy Committee of the North Carolina Synod (ELCA) has submitted a resolution to the synod assembly calling for the repeal of the state’s discriminatory law known as House Bill 2. House Bill 2: discriminates in housing, employment, and other areas on the bases of age, sex, religion, national origin, race, class, disability, […]

Rocky Mountain Synod votes to strengthen LGBTQ welcome

ReconcilingWorks celebrates the actions of the Rocky Mountain Synod (ELCA) to strengthen its welcome to LGBTQ people and develop its partnership with ReconcilingWorks and Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries. On Saturday, April 30, the synod assembly voted to: Adopt a welcome statement: “We as the Rocky Mountain Synod, ELCA invite all into the fullness of God’s love. […]

Trinity Lutheran Seminary Becomes Reconciling in Christ

Trinity Lutheran Seminary, a seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) located in Columbus, Ohio, has been designated as Reconciling in Christ (RIC). On May 1, the institution’s board of directors acknowledged unanimously that the “Trinity Lutheran Seminary community welcomes, embraces, and celebrates people of all sexual orientations and gender identities whom the Spirit […]

A new RIC community: St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church (Woodbury, NJ)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Woodbury, NJ! Their welcome statement reads: “In response to the overwhelming love of God, we stand in awe of the wideness of God’s mercy. In faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, mindful of our Lutheran emphasis on grace, and rejoicing […]

A new RIC community: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (Austin, TX)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas! Their welcome statement (in English and Spanish too!) reads: “We, the members of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, as a faith community, affirm that through faith in Christ Jesus “there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, […]

A new RIC community: Luther Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church (Delavan, WI)

ReconcilingWorks is proud to present our newest RIC community: Luther Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church in Delavan, WI! Their welcome statement reads: “As we at Luther Memorial journey toward reconciliation, we proclaim this statement of welcome to all. Recognizing that there are differences among us, we believe that we can love alike even though we may […]