A New RIC Community: Christ the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Hamden, CT)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community:  

Christ the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Hamden, Connecticut.  

Their welcome statement reads:

“At Christ the Good Shepherd, we celebrate that all people are uniquely and wonderfully made in God’s image. We respect the dignity and worth of all.

Following Christ’s example, we welcome everyone in the fullness of who they are: people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions; people of all ages and abilities; people of all races and cultural backgrounds. We strive to embrace the diversity of our community in the Greater New Haven area, and we commit to work toward both gender justice and racial equity through the ministries of our church.

Learn more about Christ the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at: www.christgoodshepherdlutheran.org