A New RIC Community: Heidelberg Union Church (Slatington, PA)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome a new Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community:  

Heidelberg Union Church in Slatington, Pennsylvania.  

Their welcome statement reads:

“Heidelberg Union Church embraces as a gift the diversity of our neighborhood and the world. We celebrate and welcome the diversity of all people no matter their sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, race, ethnicity, age, theological belief, economic status, family structure, or physical/mental ability. Our church is committed to fostering racial equity as well as equity for all those who have been marginalized or oppressed.

We affirm that all people are created in the image of God and as beloved children of God, all are worthy of God’s love and grace. We welcome the full inclusion of all people in the life and ministries of Heidelberg Union Church. We recognize that there are differences among us and believe that we can love alike, even though we may not think alike. Jesus is the center of our ministry.

We proclaim this statement of welcome to all who have known exclusion or discrimination and the pain that it creates in the church and society. We invite all people to join us in our journey toward greater love, understanding, and mutual respect, following Christ.

Learn more about Christ Lutheran Church at: www.HeidelbergUnionChurch.org