A New RIC Community: Mt. Pleasant Lutheran Church (Kendallville, IN)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community:  

Mt. Pleasant Lutheran Church in Kendallville, Indiana.

Their welcome statement reads:

“Welcome to St. Andrew’s, where all are embraced in reconciling love of Christ.

We affirm the sacred worth of every individual, regardless of race, culture, ethnicity, age, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities, socioeconomic position, family status, background, or where you are in your faith journey. In our community, diversity is celebrated, and differences are honored. We commit to the work of racial equality in our community. We strive to create a welcoming space where everyone can fully participate, contribute and grow together in faith and love.

All are valued, accepted, and cherished. Come as you are, for you are welcome here.”

Learn more about St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church at: www.MtPleasantLutheranChurchELCA.com