A New RIC Community: Spirit Garage (Minneapolis, MN)

Help ReconcilingWorks welcome the newest Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community:  

Spirit Garage in Minneapolis, Minnesota.   

Their welcome statement reads:

“At Spirit Garage, all are welcome, and all means all. No matter who you are, where you come from, who you love, or what identities you hold, you are welcome here.

God is love and God’s love knows no bounds—so show up as who you know yourself to be, because you have sacred worth. Our community is full of creative, quirky and curious people. We may be under-churched, over-churched, never-churched, or somewhere in between. Some have sincere beliefs and some have sincere doubts. Some of our folks are sober and some are not. There are single people, families and relationships of all sorts. All of us are on journeys towards health and wholeness. Let’s show up with open hands and hearts, committed to anti-racism and inclusion, ready to learn from each other.

With love and respect, let’s affirm the spectrum of gifts in race, ethnicity, ability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, neurodiversity, economic circumstance, faith, and all kinds of things we haven’t thought of yet.

All means all. What will you bring to the table?

Learn more about Spirit Garage at: www.SpiritGarage.org