It's Time
ReconcilingWorks stands in solidarity with LGBTQ and ally United Methodist Church (UMC) friends as they meet for the UMC General Conference today through May 20 in Portland, Oregon. Over 4,000 delegates, UMC officials, Board and Agency employees, local volunteers, and others from around the world will be on hand as this global denomination will vote on whether or not the UMC will continue to discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer members and clergy.
It’s Time to end the hurt that’s engulfed so many individuals and families in the UMC. It’s Time to welcome and celebrate everyone in the UMC and the whole church.
ReconcilingWorks wishes our UMC friends hope and courage as they face opposition and fear. We especially pray for strength for those who will put themselves and their public ministries on the line for the sake of a church and world that welcomes, includes, and celebrates all people.