A new RIC community, University Lutheran Church (East Lansing, MI)

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ReconcilingWorks is proud to announce our newest Reconciling in Christ congregation University Lutheran Church in East Lansing, MI.

“In response to the call to Romans 15:7, “Welcome one another, therefore as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God,” we believe that every person has worth as an individual and every person is entitled to dignity and respect.

We, therefore, publicly proclaim that:

We welcome people of any race, nationality, age, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression into the membership of our church, and we encourage everyone to share their faith, gifts and talents in worship, service, study and leadership; We commit to remove all barriers that exclude people from full and active participation in our church; We will continually strive to eliminate prejudice from our thoughts and actions and discourage prejudice by others at every opportunity.”

Join University Lutheran Church for worship Sundays at 9:30 a.m. at 1020 South Harrison Road East Lansing, MI 48823. Visit them online at http://www.ulcel.org/ and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/University.Lutheran.Church.ELCA.

Will you consider helping us support more congregations along their welcoming journey? Your support helps us continue to provide networks, educational resources and training to LGBT Lutherans, allies and almost 600 congregations and ministry settings (and rapidly counting) that publicly declare their welcome and affirmation of LGBT people. We can’t do it without you. Please donate or become a ReconcilingWorks member today!